Registration Fees



Before September 1st

After September 1st

Full registration

U$D 570

U$D 620

Student registration

(PhD, master, undergraduate)

U$D 450

U$D 500

1-day registration (*)


U$D 200


Registration includes


·      Full access to the conference

·      Full accommodation at the conference hotel (in double room basis, with breakfast)

·      Social events including the Welcome Reception and Gala Dinner

·      Lunches and dinners during the Conference

·      Coffee breaks

·      Recreative activity

·      Conference program and other material


Those willing to book a single room, there is an additional fee of U$D 75.


(*) 1-day registration includes lunch and coffee breaks; accommodation is not included. For this option, please contact: 



Before September 1st

After September 1st

Accompanying person

U$D 350

U$D 400


Accompanying person registration includes


·      Accommodation at the conference hotel (in double room, with breakfast)

·      Lunches and dinners

·      Social events including the Welcome Reception and Gala Dinner

·      Recreative activity


For registering, please fill in the following form: